5 of [--] Clubs
The Uncontrolled Middle:
-- Fractious & Grappling

Grappling in vain over rivalry
Arguing on and on, o so petty
Fractious altercation, over it
Malfeasance, violation, now we split

Fractious altercation violating
Rivalrous malfeasance grappling

Two antagonistic races fight over five wands. They each have two, but they must have the last one in order to win. They are being irrational and illogical.

As they grapple for advantage, we see that they have torn up a contract. After much argumentation, there is nothing but disagreement here. It’s a riot.

The stirred up hornet’s nest symbolizes a transgression that leads to an uncontrollable situation. We need some discipline here.

The two flags of diametrical colors symbolize the antagonism between these two sides. There is a valley between them where they could find common ground, but instead it is a battlefield.

The sky is half clouds and half darkness symbolizing a midpoint transition between bad and worse. All this arguing is just making things worse.

You will lose control. You will ruin everything. You will get in trouble.

Don't marry this person. Don't be unreasonable. Stop arguing. Stop the bullshitting. Shut up! Two wrongs don't make a right. Don't transgress the unwritten laws. Don't be litigious.

The second word makes the fray.
Arguing with a fool shows there are two.

[D5] The Recalcitrant Witch

Antonym: 5 of [+] The Controlled Middle
Coronym: 5 of [ / ] The Unsettled Union
Varonym: [Reverse] Mitigate
Proxonym: < or >



Compare to The Numerical Tarot

Compare to The Seasonal Tarot

Key: [+] = Addition-Diamonds-Coins ... [X] = Multiplication-Hearts-Cups ... [--] = Subtraction-Clubs-Staves ... [ / ] = Division-Spades-Swords

[A] = Ameliorate Major ... [D] = Deteriorate Major

Antonym = Meanings that are opposite in an investive vs. divestive way e.g. [+] to [--], or [X] to [ / ]
Coronym = Meanings that correlate in a quantitative vs. qualitative way e.g. [+] & [X], or [--] & [ / ]
Transonym = Meanings that are equidistantly similar i.e. from the same sphere of influence, e.g. 1&9, or 2&8, or 3&7, or 4&6
Varonym = Meanings that are variable across a spectrum of possibilities that exists across antonymous cards in their upright & reversed states
Proxonym = Meanings that evolve seqentially across each suit from one card to the next

The Isomorphic Tarot by Guy Palm

Copyright © 1999 - 2010 by Guy Palm

Do not reproduce without permission