[A1/9] FRAME:
The Airy Circumsphere
The Bright Light:

Cold Winter air, snow is falling
Cerebral mind, thoughts are calling
Swords through flesh, will divide
Spade in ground where one has died
Rooks in line will collide

The blinding light is the fourth stage of four, common to all accounts of death, by survivors of death. And as such can be used to represent one of the four stages of the theoretical model used to design this deck (the one you have hopefully read about prior to reading this).

The figure poses to replicate the symbol behind her, taken from the Funnel, Tunnel, Maze diagram used to describe the essence of being (which you hopefully have read about prior to reading this...).

As the essence of being departs its corporeal host, a blinding light is seen and “felt.”

Behind our character is his the element of air, part of another quaternary. Also we see a representation of Winter, and of the suit of Swords, two more important quaternaries.

The character doesn’t really look like any other major arcana, but rest assured,.that its numbers correspond just as the other in this set.

[A1] The Cognizant Genius
[A9] The Consummate Sage
1 of [+] The Fast Beginning
1 of [X] The Nascent State
9 of [+] The Affirmative End
9 of [X] The Ordered Infinity

Varonym: [Reverse] The Dark Abyss
Proxonym: >


Compare to The Numerical Tarot

Compare to The Seasonal Tarot

Key: [+] = Addition-Diamonds-Coins ... [X] = Multiplication-Hearts-Cups ... [--] = Subtraction-Clubs-Staves ... [ / ] = Division-Spades-Swords

[A] = Ameliorate Major ... [D] = Deteriorate Major

Antonym = Meanings that are opposite in an investive vs. divestive way e.g. [+] to [--], or [X] to [ / ]
Coronym = Meanings that correlate in a quantitative vs. qualitative way e.g. [+] & [X], or [--] & [ / ]
Transonym = Meanings that are equidistantly similar i.e. from the same sphere of influence, e.g. 1&9, or 2&8, or 3&7, or 4&6
Varonym = Meanings that are variable across a spectrum of possibilities that exists across antonymous cards in their upright & reversed states
Proxonym = Meanings that evolve seqentially across each suit from one card to the next

The Isomorphic Tarot by Guy Palm

Copyright © 1999 - 2010 by Guy Palm

Do not reproduce without permission