1 of [+] Addition/Diamond/Coin
The Fast Beginning:
-- Acute & Sparking

Spark! igniting, elsewise fading
Commencing, resolute and instigating
Acute potential into life bringing
Conception into life springing

Acute potential commencing
Operative conception sparking

It’s Spring. The force of nature returns. The fire of the Sun nourishes all life. Trees sprout buds. Flowers emerge. Prosperity is imminent.

This will be the start of something big. You will be the first. You will run circles around everyone else. Things will happen real fast.

Survival is key. Move fast. Think fast. Think big. Think first. Analyze the situation. Go! Get started now!

Once begun is half done.
The early bird caches the worm.

[A1] The Cognizant Genius
[A1/9] The Bright Light

Antonym: 1 of [--] The Slow Beginning
Coronym: 1 of [X] The Nascent State
Transonym: 9 of [+] The Affirmative End
Varonym: [Reverse] Exaggerate
Proxonym: >



Compare to The Numerical Tarot

Compare to The Isomorphic Tarot

Compare to The Landscape Tarot

Key: [+] = Addition-Diamonds-Coins ... [X] = Multiplication-Hearts-Cups ... [--] = Subtraction-Clubs-Sticks ... [ / ] = Division-Spades-Swords

[A] = Ameliorate Major ... [D] = Deteriorate Major

Antonym = Meanings that are opposite in an investive vs. divestive way e.g. [+] to [--], or [X] to [ / ]
Coronym = Meanings that correlate in a quantitative vs. qualitative way e.g. [+] & [X], or [--] & [ / ]
Transonym = Meanings that are equidistantly similar i.e. from the same sphere of influence, e.g. 1&9, or 2&8, or 3&7, or 4&6
Varonym = Meanings that are variable across a spectrum of possibilities that exists across antonymous cards in their upright & reversed states
Proxonym = Meanings that evolve seqentially across each suit from one card to the next

The Seasonal Tarot by Guy and Charlene Palm

Copyright © 1999 - 2010 by Guy Palm

Do not reproduce without permission