The Model...


Because the essence of the first few stages of the recursive model deal with intangible formless concepts like Absentia and nothingness, they remain outside the scope of the model itself. The model itself is represented by the more terestrial concepts of Limits, Space, Mass, Cust, Mantle, Core etc. Within the Core we find the infinitessimally minute remnanat of the original uncontained Absentia, now being totally contained by the inevitable coagulation of existence from something formless to something formed... which... at its infinitessimal center, transcends, via an impossible connection, back to that Outer Absentia! Because this all happens concentrically, the difference between ultimate inside and ultimate outside is the same as the difference between point and sphere, meaning, essentially the same, meaning, sphere becomes point. Or, in this case, point becomes sphere, and the whole thing just keeps on repeating, without skipping a beat... one fluid motion of inside becoming outside as point equals sphere, and coagulation repeating again and again, for the life of the "formless-to-formed" entitiy that lies between.


All words and images Copyright © 1999 - 2008 by Guy Palm

Cover | Table of Contents

Intro | Tarot | Model | Birth | Sequence | Coagulation | Twist | Quaternary | Planet | Line | Homing | Engine | Signature | Time | Paradox | Insolubilia | Life | End

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